

The Malaysia Ingram Micro web site is currently not available

Maintenance Scheduled from February 09 2025 Sunday Time: 07:00 AM MYT until February 09 2025 Sunday Time: 05:30 PM MYT .

The site will return to service as soon as possible.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

To place an order, check availability or review order status, please contact the following available branch office:


Branch Offices
Ingram Micro Malaysia Head Office
Lot 4A, 4th. Floor
Wisma Academy
Jalan 19/1
46300 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan

Tel: 603 - 7952 8188

Fax: 603 - 7958 6700 / 6800

Ingram Micro Penang
101-10-05, 06, 07 & 08
10th. Floor, Manara Perdana
Jalan Gurdwara
10300 Penang

Tel: 04 - 226 8099

Fax: 04 - 227 6099

Ingram Micro Johor
No. 22 & 22-1,
Jalan Molek 1/28
Taman Molek
81100 Johor Bahru

Tel: 07 - 351 1998

Fax: 07 - 351 1988

Ingram Micro Kuching
No. 41 & 42, Ground Floor
Hock Kui Commercial Centre
Jalan Tun Ahmad Zaidi Adruce
93150 Kuching, Sarawak.

Tel: 082 - 243 099

Fax: 082 - 257 900

Ingram Micro Kuantan
1st. Floor, B-12
Jalan Seri Kuantan 2
25050 Kuantan

Tel: 09 - 514 4089

Fax: 09 - 514 4064

Ingram Micro Kota Kinabalu
12CF01 (A), 12th floor
Block C, Kompleks Karamunsing
88300 Kota Kinabalu

Tel: 088 - 251 825

Fax: 088 - 251 845

Warehouse Location
PJ Distribution Centre
Lot 11, Jalan 225
Section 51A
46100 Petaling Jaya

Tel: 603 - 7960 2199

Fax: 603 - 7960 4199